Garnet is used for January birthdays and the second and sixth wedding anniversaries. It comes in various colors like green, orange, pink, and red. Red is the most common color Mozambique Garnet, glowing deep red with hints of orange and brown, reminds us of an autumn harvest or Indian summer.

Wrapped in its warmth, we feel protected against the storms ahead. It's no wonder that Garnet was believed to have healing properties, particularly with blood-related diseases. The rich hue of Mozambique Garnet enhances designs that blend the exotic flavors of India, Africa, and the Orient. These styles reflect today's culturally rich society, giving Mozambique Garnet unique appeal to those who seek a sophisticated yet organic look. The affordability of this gemstone also makes it readily accessible to shoppers who desire its smoldering splendor.


Purple passion. Amethyst demonstrates the drama and excitement of the color purple, from refreshing lilac to ripe plum. Perhaps because of its depth and richness, Amethyst has always been associated with intense emotion. For that reason, the legend of its origin is fitting, depicting a tale of revenge, devotion, and immortal remorse.

Legend tells the story of Dionysus, the Greek God of wine, who was insulted one day by a mortal. Enraged, he called vicious tigers to exact revenge on the next mortal who would cross his path.

Unfortunately, the maiden Amethyst was the unlucky traveler on her way to pay tribute to the Goddess Diana. The innocent girl suddenly found herself face-to-face with the tiger companions of the vengeful God. To save her from the beast, Diana turned Amethyst into a statue of pure crystalline quartz. The crystalline maiden was so beautiful that Dionysus, in sorrow and remorse, wept tears of rich wine over the statue. His tears stained the quartz purple, thus creating the poetic gem that still bears her name.


Imagine taking a dip in a crystal blue mountain lake – the morning air crisp and expectant, the sky soaring high and cloudless overhead. This gem is the unique refreshment of Aquamarine. The name means "ocean water," with tales of Aquamarine dating back to ancient seafaring days. Sailors of old believed that these glittering, watery gems came from the treasure chest of mermaids. It's no wonder then that Aquamarine is said to bring good luck to all who sail the seas.

Aquamarine also promises love, health, and youthful energy to those who wear it. Imagine taking a dip in a crystal blue mountain lake – the morning air crisp and expectant, the sky soaring high and cloudless overhead. This gem is the unique refreshment of Aquamarine.

Modern-day etiquette suggests Aquamarine as the gem of choice to celebrate March birthdays and the 16th and 19th anniversaries. Most Americans choose blue as their favorite color, and Aquamarine's powdery hue is a perfect gem for blue lovers. Aquamarine is a member of the Beryl family. A cousin to Emerald and Morganite, its color is purer and its attributes less brittle than Emerald, making it a desirable gem for special occasion wear.


What is the story of your diamond? Is it a story of passion? A story of intrigue? The beauty of a diamond is that it is the perfect expression of you – your unique story. A diamond reflects the rarity, brilliance, and breathtaking fire of a gem that has survived a journey of billions of years for the pleasure of adornment.

Fabulous takes and myths abound about the power of diamonds. Success, fearlessness, and invincibility are some of the mystical properties of this famous gem. Perhaps the old legends were true. Today, diamonds remain the most treasured symbol of devotion, honor, and strength.

The unmatched beauty and elegance of a diamond make it the perfect jewel for marking life's momentous occasions, from your newborn's birth to graduation, promotion, or a birthday. So celebrate your special story with diamonds.


Lush. Exotic. Untamed. The Emerald is no ordinary, garden-variety green: It pulses with life and vitality. In its depths beats the heart of the rainforest, its shadows alive with promise, expectation, and even danger.

More valuable than diamonds, fine-quality Emeralds of significant size are among the world's most fascinating jewels. Their incomparable dark green color is produced only under extremely rare conditions. Because these conditions also result in tiny cracks and cavities in the stone, inclusions are acceptable in top-quality Emeralds.

Ancient history records Emerald mines near the Red Sea called "Cleopatra’s Mines,” this was where the Pharaohs gathered gems between 3000 and 1500 B.C. On the other side of the world, the Incas and Aztecs of South America once worshipped Emerald as a holy stone. History also speaks of the Maharajas of India, whose treasure vaults were filled with Emeralds – the gem they believed to bring luck and health.

The green Emerald is representative of life and springtime. In ancient Rome, the color symbolized the beauty and love of the goddess Venus; Perhaps this is why Emerald is the gem chosen by love birds to celebrate their 20th, 35th, or 55th wedding anniversary. It is also a gemstone for those born in May as well as those born under the sign Taurus.


Pearls have been a sign of wealth and exquisite taste from ancient emperors to the royalty and celebrities of today.

Always prized, forever fashionable, the pearl is the only gem created by a living creature and the oldest known to man.

To offer pearls to a loved one is to present her with the finest of nature's gifts. It is, quite simply, 'The Queen of Gems' – nothing else can come close. Forever elegant, forever in the highest fashion circles. Today's three most popular types of pearls are South Sea, Tahitian, and Akoya Pears. Pearls range in various sizes, colors, and shapes and come in several types, such as natural, freshwater, and cultured. These factors, along with luster and complexion, help determine the value of a pearl.

Cultured pearls account for 95% of the world's pearl production. Cultured pearls were discovered in the early 1900s by three different Japanese men. The most famous of the three, Kokichi Mikimoto, purchased the rights of the other two's businesses and started the business Mikimoto, which is known today as the premier name in cultured pearls. It is even said that Mikimoto ate two pearls a day to promote health.


Night and day, the changing hues of Alexandrite enchant the eye and fuel the imagination. Its mesmerizing color swings from red to green depending on the light source, making it the most famous and popular of all color-changing gems.

First discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia in 1830, this gem helped celebrate the coming of age of Czar Alexander II. The name Alexandrite was bestowed on this newly found Chrysoberyl as a tribute to the young royal, and its green and red colors reflective of tsarist Russia.

Due to its ability to change dramatically in shifting light, Alexandrite is associated with a balanced life, self-esteem, and the ability to experience joy. According to legend, these powers are imparted to the gem's wearers. Often used to celebrate June birthdays, Alexandrite also commemorated the 45th and 55th wedding anniversaries. With a hardness of 8.5, Alexandrite is a beautiful gem in terms of wear. Its natural (untreated) colors are perfect for those who look for a unique expression of self.


In ancient India, ruby was called the “king of precious stones” for its rarity, hardness (second only to diamond), beauty and seemingly mystical powers. Long associated with the life force blood, ruby was a symbol of power and youthful energy in Indian jewelry. In past centuries, some believed this birthstone for July could predict misfortune or danger, and others claimed it would cure inflammatory diseases and soothe anger. Burmese warriors believed it made them invincible in battle. Medieval Europeans maintained that rubies bestowed health, wisdom, wealth and success in love. In addition to being the July birthstone, ruby is traditionally given for the 15th and 40th wedding anniversaries.


The green-apple crispness of Peridot complements today's lively fashion scene perfectly. As the popularity of lime green continues to grow, so does the youthful appeal of this citrus-hued gem.

The Hawaiian people treasured Peridot, believing the gem to be the tears of the Goddess Pele. The Romans named the gem "Evening Emerald" because its brilliant color did not fade in the lamplight but seemed to glow in the evening. For this reason, Peridot was believed to help dreams become a reality and drive away the evil spirits of the night.


The September birthstone has traditionally symbolized sincerity, truth, faithfulness and nobility. For countless centuries, sapphire has adorned royalty and the robes of the clergy. The elite of ancient Greece and Rome believed that blue sapphires protected their owners from harm and envy. Clerics of the Middle Ages wore sapphires because they symbolized Heaven. Ancient Persians believed the earth actually rested on a giant sapphire, which made the sky blue.

The September birthstone was reputed to have healing powers as well. Medieval Europeans believed that sapphire cured plague boils and diseases of the eye. The sapphire birthstone was also thought to be an antidote to poison.

Famous sapphires include the Rockefeller Sapphire, a 62.02 carat (ct) rectangular step cut stone that was unearthed in Myanmar (Burma). Acquired in 1934 by financier and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (1874–1960) from an Indian maharaja, the gem was recut and remounted over the years. The sapphire was first set as a brooch and later as a ring featuring two cut-cornered triangular diamond side stones. Perhaps the best-known sapphire in recent years is the 12 ct blue gem surrounded by diamonds in the sapphire engagement ring first worn by Princess Diana and then given by her son to Kate Middleton, now Duchess of Cambridge. In addition to being the September birthstone, sapphire is also the gem commemorating the 5th and 45th wedding anniversaries.


The color of a rainbow. The glow of the Northern Lights. The dramatic flash of summer lightning. All the colors of the evening sky are captured in the mysterious, shifting hues of Opal.

With its pulsating display of fire and color, Opal was thought to hold magical powers. For this reason, rare Opals were often reserved for royalty. The crown of the Holy Roman Emperor held a superb example, a fiery red Opal called "The Burning of Troy." was given as a gift from Napoleon to Josephine – forming part of the crown jewels of France. Queen Victoria also loved Opals and often presented them as wedding gifts.

The changing colors and flashing fire in Opal symbolize love, life, hope, and truth. Its rainbow of hues makes Opal an ideal fashion accessory with year-round appeal, particularly among those who seek drama and harmonic balance.

Opal is the gem for those born in October. It also commemorates the 12th, 14th, or 18th wedding anniversary.


Tourmaline is the newer October birthstone. The name comes from the Sinhalese word toramalli, which means “stone with mixed colors” because it often has multiple colors in one crystal. Very few gems match the Tourmaline’s dazzling array of colors. Perhaps this is why ancient mystics believed this October birthstone could inspire artistic expression – it has a color palette for every mood. Among the most popular are the pink and red rubellites, the emerald green “chrome” tourmalines, and the neon green and blue-to-violet “paraíba” tourmalines.

Tourmaline is often mistaken for other gemstones because of its vast range of colors. For example, one of the “rubies” in the Russian crown jewels, the “Caesar’s Ruby” pendant, is a red (rubellite) Tourmaline. Likewise, a Spanish conquistador found green tourmaline crystals in Brazil in the 1500s and confused the stones with emeralds. These and other cases of mistaken identity continued for centuries until scientists recognized Tourmaline as a distinct mineral species in the 1800s.

Each color of Tourmaline is believed to have meaning. Black is believed to protect the wearer and give a sense of self-confidence. Pink embodies love and is associated with compassion and gentleness. Green promotes courage, strength, and stamina. Tourmaline is given to celebrate the eighth wedding anniversary.


The mellow gold of Citrine captures attention and brightens our moods. A sunny quartz whose name comes from the French word for "lemon." Cheerful and full of light, this sparkling gem was thought to protect the wearer against various evils – from snake venom to wicked thoughts. Today, its radiant color is associated with joyfulness, youth, and vitality.

Citrine is a member of the Quartz family of gemstones. Its color ranges from slightly golden yellow to medium gold, showing hints of orange. The deeper brownish red quality of Citrine is called Madeira Citrine, so named for its wine-colored hue. Citrine is typically mined in South America.

Citrine is a member of the Quartz family of gemstones. Its color ranges from slightly golden yellow to medium gold, showing hints of orange. The deeper brownish red quality of Citrine is called Madeira Citrine, so named for its wine-colored hue. Citrine is typically mined in South America.

Citrine makes a great gift for those born in November and those born under the sign of Gemini. Citrine is also a gem to commemorate the 11th and 13th wedding anniversaries.


  • The name topaz comes from Topazios, the ancient Greek name for St. John's Island in the Red Sea. However, the yellow gemstones mined there were likely not topaz. The name may also come from the Sanskrit word tapas, which means "fire" and refers to the color of reddish-orange topaz.  

  • Color-Topaz can be found in many colors, including colorless, brown, green, orange, pink, red, and yellow. The most prized color is Imperial topaz, which is a vibrant orange with pink undertones. Blue topaz is the most common color today, but it's usually the result of an enhancement process that turns colorless topaz blue.  
  • History-Topaz has been associated with many civilizations over many centuries. It's the birthstone for November.  
  • Origin-Topaz is a rare silicate mineral that forms naturally in the earth, usually in the cavities of igneous rocks. It's found in many places around the world, including Brazil, the United States, Madagascar, Myanmar, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Russia, and China


The first thing you notice is the color: Deep, vivid blue, with a purplish tinge that dances about the stone as it moves in the light. With its dazzling intensity and complex play of color, Tanzanite boasts a uniquely sensuous appeal.

Tanzanite's rarity and exotic origin are also part of its fascination. This modern gemstone was unknown until 1967 when Massai herdsman in eastern Africa noticed blue crystals sparkling in the sun. Tanzanite's dramatic discovery, coupled with its scintillating beauty, caused a worldwide sensation. Yet, to date, the world's only source for the gem remains in the hills of northern Tanzania near Mount Kilimanjaro.

In 2002, the American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) named Tanzanite an alternative gem to celebrate December births. Massai's belief holds that the color blue is both sacred and spiritual, and according to folklore, only women blessed with new life have the honor of wearing the revered blue in both beads and fabric. Since the discovery of Tanzanite, Massai men began giving this gem to their wives when a new baby was born. Doing so bestows health and well-being upon the child, ensuring a prosperous life. This tradition makes Tanzanite a genuine birth gemstone, a gift given to a mother to celebrate new life, irrespective of the month a child is born.

Tanzanite is a member of the Zoisite family of gems. Its dual-color – brilliant blue with hints of purple – ranges from indigo to violet to lilac to periwinkle. The color dynamic of Tanzanite makes each gem unique; it also means that they are tough to match. Bold yet meltingly beautiful, it is a favorite of both men and women.


Turquoise is a semi-translucent to an opaque gem that ranges from blue to green and often has veins of the matrix (remnants of the rock in which it formed) running through it. This December birthstone has been cherished for millennia. The pharaohs and other rulers of ancient Egypt adorned themselves with it. Chinese artisans carved it more than 3,000 years ago.

The turquoise birthstone was thought to possess many beneficial powers, like guaranteeing health and good fortune. From the 13th century on, it was believed to protect the wearer from falling (especially off horses) and would break into several pieces at the approach of disaster. Moreover, Hindu mystics maintained that seeing a turquoise after beholding the new moon ensured fantastic wealth.

This turquoise birthstone also played an essential role in the lives of Native Americans. The Apache thought turquoise could be found by following a rainbow to its end. They also believed that attaching the December birthstone to a bow or firearm made one’s aim more accurate. The Pueblo maintained that turquoise got its color from the sky, while the Hopi thought the gem was produced by lizards scurrying over the earth.